Wilson-Davis & Co., Inc.
SEC-Required Report on Routing of Customer Orders
SEC Rule 606 requires all broker-dealers that route non-directed customer orders in equity securities on a held basis and non-directed customer orders in option securities to make publicly available quarterly reports (broken out for S&P 500 stocks, other NMS stocks, and options) that, among other things, identify for each category the following:
Consistent with SEC guidance, WDCO provides this information for venues to which it routes 5% or more of order flow. Additionally, upon written request, WDCO will provide you with details regarding the destination to which your orders (for up to six months preceding your request) were routed for execution. WDCO will also provide you, upon request, with information regarding the handling of any “not held” orders you might place with WDCO, consistent with the requirements of Rule 606(b)(3). WDCO routes over 95% of it’s routable customer orders itself. WDCO’s order routing decisions are based on a number of factors including the size of the order, the opportunity for price improvement at the market center, and the quality of order executions that WDCO receives from such market centers. To access WDCO’s public order-routing reports for these trades please visit FIS Best Execution Analysis.
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