Call (800)621-1571 and any Rep can explain these fees.
•Customer Account Transfers
•Full ACATS...............................$100
•Partial ACATS..........................$75
•Delivery Orders......................$50
•Cleared Stock Withdrawal Fee
3% of transfer plus account fees
•IRA Accounts
•IRA Annual Fees........................$75
•IRA Closing fee..........................$100
•IRA late payment fee................$25
•Wire Fees
•Wire Trace fee...........................$50
•Wire Return fee.........................$25
•Early Pay for Accounts............$30, or %3 (whichever is greater)
•Ticket Charges.........................$35
•Penny Stock Fee...………….150 basis points
on total sale amount*
•Corporate Actions.....................$20
•Inactivity Fee..............................$50
•Federal Expresss Deliver/United Parcel (Each way)
•2nd Day......................................$25
•Saturday/First Overnight..........$150
Transfer agent fees may also apply
Reject fee................................$100
Transfer agent fees may also apply
•Withdrawal by transfer (Physical certs)
•DTC deposit fee (Physical CERT)......$80 per certificate
•DTC deposit fee (WILCO NAME).......$80 per certificate
•Certificate Deposit/Clearance Legal Vetting Fees
•DTC Eligible................................................$1,050 per review
•DTC Eligible/Below .05...............................$1,350 per review
•DTC not CNS Eligible..................................$1,750 per review
•DTC Eligible below .01 to .001.....................$1,700 per review
•Below .001 up to 100 million shares.........$2,000 per review
•Below .001 over 100 million shares...........$3,000 per review
•Rush Review Fee...................$300 additional to review
•Group Discount rate: (Not applicable to Sub Pennies)
Applies to S-1 or Reg-A Group Deposits, submitted at the same time.
3 to 9 Individuals = $600 each. (10 or more = $500 each)
•Certificate Transfers.....................$25 min
•plus 20% of transfer fee
Transfer fees will be passed on to the customer or correspondent
and vary among transfer agents (Federal Express Fees may apply)
•Return Check fee...........................$50
•Stop Check fee...............................$30
•Return Wire fee..............................$25
•Wire Trace Fee................................$50
•Cleared Stock Withdrawal fee................................3% value of the transfer
•Paper Statement.............................$10
*Penny Stock Fee is applicable on all sales of any security trading under $5.00 to $0.001 at the time of the sale. For example, if you sell $10,000.00 of any stock trading under $5.00, the Firm will charge a Penny Stock Fee totaling $150.00 (1.50%). This fee will go into effect on May 1st 2024.
**Sub-Penny Stock Fee is applicable on all sales of any security trading under $0.001 at the time of sale. For example, if you sell stock trading under $0.001, the Firm will charge a Sub-Penny Stock Fee totaling 5.00%. This fee will go into effect on Feb 15th, 2025. All sub-penny deposits must be approved by trading.
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